Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Hobbies on hold

I used to cross stitch often. I found it relaxing while between calls with EMS. I had an unfortunate turn of events, however, with an autoimmune disease weakening my eyes. I have difficulty with reading or performing small tasks like stitching.

Last time I stitched was for a recent Halloween exchange. It was difficult but in small spurts, I was able to finish it. My eyes get fatigued and blurry vision after a few minutes of looking at small print. This has been quite a bummer. I have several patterns on my wish list and several UFOs waiting for my attention.

I'm not letting it bum me out. I'm being seen by a specialist to see if we can remedy the problem. It may require (gulp) surgery at the worst. Everyone has a 'thing' going on in their lives or with their health. This is just my 'thing' for now and I'm comforted that there may be resolution soon.

I've asked 'Santa' not to get me cross stitch for Christmas. I am in hopes that after the eyes get better, I will stitch so much and so fast that I will need new stash! It will be my goal to wear my fingers out. It will also be a reward to look forward to after this journey.

So, please be patient with me and my lack of crafting posts or reading of your blogs. I do these things for just moments at a time.

Could you do me a favor....? If you know of others that enjoyed Parsley's posts, could you tell them I'm here now? That way I can revisit their blogs if they are still out there.

And stitchy wish-list will be ready for Christmas in July hahahahaha


  1. Hi there I'm sorry to hear that you can enjoy your hobby at least for now I hope that you can later. I let people know that you're here I think I know a couple that would enjoy it.

  2. Prayers for your healing! Does having an enlarged pattern help, or is it the fabric too?

  3. Love your attitude. I’ll be praying for the perfect treatment!

  4. I hope you can get some help and treatment very soon.
    I too was diagnosed with a very rare auto immune disorder last summer :-(
